We are the Council of Academic Prefects of Budhanilkantha School We are basically the students of 5000E(Currently the Senior Most Batch) studying A2/12. We are selected as the Academic prefects by the school management for the academic year of 2080 BS.
The council aims at cultivating and promoting numerous activites in the student community, by organizing guiding and training individuals for their academic upliftment.
The council is made by the School Management Team(SMT). Currently the council consists of 40 members including the Academic captain. For the Academic year 2080 BS, this council has a lot of plans to implement.
Budhanilkantha School, often referred to as BNKS, is a competitive public boarding school in Nepal. It is located in Narayanthan, 8 kilometres north of Kathmandu on the foothills of Shivapuri mountain. It is named after the Budhanilkantha Temple which is located nearby.